Written and illustrated by Lea Patrice Fales. The book opens with Virginia, a heifer calf, dreaming of becoming a working member of the farm, pulling a plow, skidding logs, raking hay, etc. But she was being ignored in the pasture when the other draft animals were put to work, which made her upset.
It turns out, they were waiting for a farrier to arrive and trim Virginia's hooves so she could walk correctly and not injure herself as she worked. Of course, it was a happy ending and delivered the message that work gives meaning. And that it sometimes takes patience to get what you hope for. 32 pages. 11 x 8.5 inches
It turns out, they were waiting for a farrier to arrive and trim Virginia's hooves so she could walk correctly and not injure herself as she worked. Of course, it was a happy ending and delivered the message that work gives meaning. And that it sometimes takes patience to get what you hope for. 32 pages. 11 x 8.5 inches