Another wonderful compilation of five of our RFD-TV episodes featuring community rural heritage festivals.
Humboldt Threshing Bee: Draft horses plow and till fields, pull a daisy reaper, push a grain header, and compete in an old fashioned farmer's horse pull in Humboldt, S.D.
Butterfield Steam and Gas Show: Draft Horses operate horsepowers to load grain and shell corn and a variety of vintage engines power various antique farm machines.
Sodbuster Days: Grain binding, potato digging, hay raking, wheelsmithing, and more, demonstrated at Fort Ransom State Park in North Dakota.
Texas Draft and Mule Assoc. Plow Day: Members gather at a farm near Huntington, Texas, to plow and disc using a variety of draft breeds and mules.
Draft Horse & Mule Event at Heritage Park: Teamsters demonstrate a variety of equipment and implements at Heritage Park in Forest City Iowa.
$100 if purchased individually. 120 minute DVD.