Five great episodes from our TV show on RFD-TV featuring draft animals at work.
Loose Haying with Horses: A Wisconsin family puts up loose hay using their draft horses. Footage includes tedding and loading loose hay in the field as well as using grab hooks and a barn pulley-and-track system to get it in the mow.
Planting and Cultivating Checked Corn: Iowa teamsters demonstrate planting checked corn, cultivating it in both directions and field picking it using a buckboard wagon.
Mule Powered Cattle Feeding: A Missouri man designed and built a round bale mover/unroller to feed his cattle using mules.
A Day Dairy Farming: We spend a day at the Julian Dairy Farm, where they use draft horses as part of their mixed-power operation.
The Jerrys Farm: Jerry Hicks operates a small, diversified farm using a team of mules for the principle power.
A $100 value if purchased individually. Total Runtime: 115 minutes.