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2017 April/May, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 422

2017 April/May, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 422
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Western Minnesota Steam Thresher's Reunion
A Seed Story - (Turkey Red Wheat) Part Two
Three Pad Collars (for donkeys, mules and horses)
Changing Lives - Preventing Harness Injuries
Get Ready for Spring!  Tips for getting idle Draft Horses back into Action
Mulching Alliums
Hoss and Howie - a new ox Team at Centennial Farm
Mechanical Means of Preventing a Wreck (with your draft animal team)
An Orchard of His Own
Rural Bookshelf - Art of Working Horses
A Load of Logs - Horselogging in Wisconsin

2024 June/July issue is now available

This item: 2017 April/May, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 422 [1 item(s)]
Price for all: $6.95
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