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2008 Autumn, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 33/5

2008 Autumn, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 33/5
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A View From Holmes County
HPD - 2008 - Field Demonstrations
Innovations in Horse Power
Managing Your Patures
Common Equine Problems
British Horse Logging II: THe Horse in the Forest
The Wisdom of Cattle: Moving Forward
Sins of Big Ag Meet the Culture of Blame
Natural Horsemanship
Equipment Variety Awes Visitors
Mule Talk
Old Barns
Horse Farming - Past, Present, and Future
Heritage Seeds
Jim Olson - World Champion Teamster
Solomon's Clean-Out
Horse Rides at the Iowa State Fair

 A Reader Asks About...a Prairie Breaker
Farm Fresh: Ox Logging
Reflections: A Stinking Quagmire
The Wheelwright: Build a Wagon Box II
Those Were the Days: The Klinkerman
My Card
Breeder's Directory
Teamster Tips
Calendar of Events
Grandma's Kitchen: Cranberries
Advertiser's Index

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This item: 2008 Autumn, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 33/5 [1 item(s)]
Price for all: $6.75
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