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2008 Summer, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 33/4

2008 Summer, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 33/4
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Heritage Homes
British Horse Logging !: Harness
Those Were the Days:  Neighbors to the Rescue
Montana's Draft Horse Capital
Whittling away at NAIS
Reclaiming Bess and Kate
Surprise Birthday Bash
Walking the Historic Pembina Trail
Starting a Team IV: Longing for Respect
Iowa's Teamster Day
The Wisdom of Cattle: Earning Trust
Hog Composting: Can You Dig It?
Training Buff
Liability Insurance
Blast from the Past
A Teamster's Holiday
Power and Majesty

Departments Guest Editorial: An Immodest Proposal
A Reader Asks about...a 5-Horse Evener
Let’s Talk Rusty Iron: Spading Harrow
Farm Fresh: Danger in the Pasture
Horse Logic: The Trouble with Patterns
Teamster Tips
The Wheelwright: Build a Wagon Box II
Hoof and Hammer: Keep your Farrier Safe

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This item: 2008 Summer, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 33/4 [1 item(s)]
Price for all: $6.75
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