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2011 April/May, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 36/2

2011 April/May, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 36/2
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Building a Leg Vice
Anatomy of a Horse Pull
Converting a Western Style Harness to D-Ring
Preparation = Prevention = $
Advanced Safety Training - Crossing Unfamiliar Objects
Werner Wagon Works Preserves the Past
Fix it the First TIme
What a Year! Arnold Family Year-End Wrap-Up
Fjord Fun
RIck Clubb-Celebrating the Work
Calf Training
Mating and Gestation Chart
Choosing Chickens
Selenium and Vitamin E Deficiency in Young Cattle
The View from the Last Wagon - The Parade
The Wisdom of Cattle - Oxen Make us Human
Chore Horses

A Reader Asks About: A Rock Island Cultivator
Reflections: Fed Up
Let's Talk Rusty Iron: Mystery Machine Identified At Last
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This item: 2011 April/May, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 36/2 [1 item(s)]
Price for all: $6.75
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