Home :: Rural Heritage Magazine :: 2009 Holiday, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 34/6

2009 Holiday, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 34/6

2009 Holiday, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 34/6
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Are You Ready for an Emergency?
Grand Thurso Sleigh Ride 2009
USA and Ohio State Plowing Contests
Cattle Drive in Southern Iowa
Wound Management: What About Carbolic Acid?
From Tractors to Horses: Making the Switch
On Pruning Apple Trees
Thirty Years Later and Still Pulling Strong
Iowa Teamsters Day
The Irony of Skidding in...Teller City
Southern Draft Animal Days
Horselogging Demonstrations at Southern Draft Animal Days
Starting a Team VII: Pulling the First Load
The Wisdom of Cattle: Strength of Character is Key to Success
NAIS Update: Not As Good As It Looks
Food Safety/Animal Rights Proposals Continue to Threaten Small Farms

Reader Feedback
Publisher's Post: A Sign of Economic Time
A Reader Asks About: A Bradley Coupler
Reader Profile: Terry Robinson
A Reader Asks About: An IHC Hayloader
Farm Fresh: Greenhouse Glory
J. C. Allen Archives
Teamster Tips
The Rural Bookshelf
Reflections: In Praise of Winter Work
Calendar of Events
My Card
Associations and Breeders Directory
Advertiser's Index

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This item: 2009 Holiday, Rural Heritage Magazine Issue 34/6 [1 item(s)]
Price for all: $6.75
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