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Rural Heritage on RFD-TV DVDs

Since January 2002, Rural Heritage has aired weekly on RFD-TV, the nation's first 24-hour television network focusing on agricultural news, equine and bovine features, traditional music, and the rural lifestyle. Network operations originate from NorthStar Studios in Nashville, Tennessee. For a list of carriers and a weekly schedule of Rural Heritage program dates and times, visit RFD-TV. Rural Heritage on RFD-TV is produced by Bill Edmunds for Rural Heritage.


Wagons for Warriors
Wendell Berry Farming Program
Western Minnesota Steam Threshermen Reunion
Wooly Wagons
World Champion Log Rolling
Yankton Dig
Zach Odom Logging
Simple Living 1: Farming with Horses, Plowing and Planting, Buying seeds
Simple Living 3: Canning; Saw Maintenance
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